Spacer bending

Our bending machinery for your spacer production

Fully automatic bending with the R&R Bendit

With the R&R Bendit, frame bending becomes easy as never before. Thanks to our unique technology, all common standard profiles can be bent effortlessly.

In combination with our innovative 25-compartments magazine, you can further optimise your production in terms of quality and speed.

Take a look at our brochure!

R&R Bendit - Die Vorteile auf einen Blick

You want to process modern low psi profiles? We also have a solution for this!

Smaller quantities

We also have the right technology in our range for smaller productions. With our Bendit XS manual bending machine, you can manually shape your spacer frames.

For the details

Our manual radius bending machine ABH gives your spacer any desired curve - leaving no (customer) wishes unfulfilled. And to save you time and money, you can easily bend profiles between 12 and 20mm with just one set of rollers.

Manueller Radiusbiegeapparat ABH

Subject to technical changes

Take a look at our leaflets!

Flyer Biegbare Profile
Leaflet Bendable Profiles

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